For Mental Health Professionals

Ahrens, J. & Rexford, L. (2002). Cognitive Processing Therapy for incarcerated adolescents with PTSD. Journal of Aggression, Maltreatment & Trauma, 6, 201-216.

Barron, I., & Mitchell, D. (2018). The Fairy Tale Model: Secure facility therapist perceptions. Journal of Child & Adolescent Trauma.

Barron, I., & Tracey, J. K. (2017). Quasi-qualitative evaluation of progressive counting in secure accommodation in Scotland: An exploratory cluster case study. Journal of Child & Adolescent Trauma.

Becker, J., Greenwald, R., & Mitchell, C. (2011). Trauma-informed treatment for disenfranchised urban children and youth: An open trial. Child & Adolescent Social Work Journal, 28, 257-272.

Beckley-Forest, A. (2015, September). Play therapy and EMDR: A conversation. Play Therapy, 10 (3), 10-14.

Brouwers, TC, de Jongh, A & Matthijssen, SJMA. (2021). The effects of the flash technique compared to those of an abbreviated eye movement desensitization and reprocessing therapy protocol on the emotionality and vividness of aversive memories. Frontiers in Psychology, 12:741163.  DOI:10.3389.

de Roos, C., Greenwald, R., den Hollander-Gijsman, M., Noorthoorn, E., van Buuren, S., & de Jongh, A. (2011). A randomized comparison of CBT and EMDR for disaster-exposed children. European Journal of Psychotraumatology, 2, 5694. DOI: 10.3402

Descilo, T., Greenwald, R., Schmitt, T. A., & Reslan, S. (2010). Traumatic incident reduction for urban at-risk youth and unaccompanied minor refugees: Two open trials. Journal of Child & Adolescent Trauma, 3, 181-191.

Edner, B. J., Glaser, B. A., & Calhoun, G. B. (2017). Predictive accuracy and factor structure of the Child Report of Posttraumatic Symptoms (CROPS) among adjudicated youth. Psychological Trauma: Theory, Research, Practice, and Policy, 9, 706-713.

Farkas, L., Cyr, M., Lebeau, T., & Lemay, J. (2010). Effectiveness of MASTR/EMDR therapy for traumatized adolescents with conduct problems. Journal of Child & Adolescent Trauma, 3, 125-142.

Greenwald, R. (1994). Applying eye movement desensitization and reprocessing (EMDR) to the treatment of traumatized children: Five case studies. Anxiety Disorders Practice Journal, 1, 83-97.

Greenwald, R. (1995). Evaluating Shapiro’s stance on EMDR training. OnLine Journal of Psychology, 1, 130-134.

Greenwald, R. (1997). Children’s mental health care in the 21st century: Eliminating the trauma burden. Child and Adolescent Psychiatry On-Line.

Greenwald, R. (1997). A better approach to training: Why you should teach EMDR in your home town. Eye-2-Eye. [Now re-named EMDR Practitioner.]

Greenwald, R. (1998). Eye movement desensitization and reprocessing (EMDR): New hope for children suffering from trauma and loss. Clinical Child Psychology and Psychiatry, 3, 279-287.

Greenwald, R. (1999). The power of suggestion: Comment on EMDR and Mesmerism: A comparative historical analysis. Journal of Anxiety Disorders, 13, 611-615.

Greenwald, R. (2000). A trauma-focused individual therapy approach for adolescents with conduct disorder. International Journal of Offender Therapy and Comparative Criminology, 44, 146-163.

Greenwald, R. (2001, June). Trauma-informed treatment for damaged adopted children: A comprehensive approach. Poster session presented at the annual meeting of the EMDR International Association, Austin, TX.

Greenwald, R. (2002). Motivation – adaptive skills – trauma resolution (MASTR) therapy for adolescents with conduct problems: An open trial. Journal of Aggression, Maltreatment, and Trauma, 6, 237-261.

Greenwald, R. (2002). A proposal to add a trauma training component to the standard EMDR training. EMDR Practitioner.

Greenwald, R. (2002). The role of trauma in conduct disorder. Journal of Aggression, Maltreatment, and Trauma, 6, 5-23.

Greenwald, R. (2002). Spreading the wealth: More and better EMDR training. EMDR Practitioner.

Greenwald, R. (2004, September). Child trauma measures for research and practice. Poster session presented at the annual meeting of the EMDR International Association, Montreal.

Greenwald, R. (2006). Eye movement desensitization and reprocessing (EMDR) with traumatized youth. In N. Webb (Ed.), Helping traumatized children and youth in child welfare: Perspectives of mental health and children’s services practitioners (pp. 246-264). New York: Guilford.

Greenwald, R. (2006). The peanut butter and jelly problem: In search of a better EMDR training model. EMDR Practitioner.

Greenwald, R. (2008). Progressive Counting: A new trauma resolution method. Journal of Child & Adolescent Trauma, 1, 249-262.

Greenwald, R. (2008). Progressive counting for trauma resolution: Three case studies. Traumatology, 14, 83-92.

Greenwald, R. (2012). Progressive Counting: Asking recipients what makes it work. Traumatology, 18(3), 59-63.

Greenwald, R. (2014). Intensive child therapy to prevent further abuse victimization: A case study. Journal of Child Custody, 11, 325-334.

Greenwald, R. (2015). Progressive counting: The next trauma treatment of choice? International Journal of Trauma Research and Practice, 1(2), 31-33.

Greenwald, R., & Camden, A. A. (2022). A Pragmatic Randomized Comparison of Intensive EMDR and Intensive PC for Victims of Crime. Psychological Trauma: Theory, Research, Practice, and Policy. Advance online publication. 

Greenwald, R., Camden, A. A., Gamache, N., Lasser, K. A., Chapman, R., & Rattner, B. (2020). Intensive trauma-focused therapy with victims of crime. European Journal of Trauma & Dissociation.

Greenwald, R., Maguin, E., Smyth, N. J., Greenwald, H., Johnston, K. G., & Weiss, R. L. (2008). Trauma-related insight improves attitudes and behaviors toward challenging clients. Traumatology, 14(2), 1-11.

Greenwald, R., McClintock, S. D., & Bailey, T. D. (2013). A controlled comparison of progressive counting and eye movement desensitization & reprocessing. Journal of Aggression, Maltreatment, & Trauma, 22, 981-996.

Greenwald, R. & McClintock, S. D., Jarecki, K., & Monaco, A. (2015). A comparison of eye movement desensitization & reprocessing and progressive counting among therapists in training. Traumatology, 21, 1-6.

Greenwald, R. & Rubin, A. (1999). Brief assessment of children’s post-traumatic symptoms: Development and preliminary validation of parent and child scales. Research on Social Work Practice, 9, 61-75.

Greenwald, R., Rubin, A., Jurkovic, G. J., Wiedemann, J., Russell, A. M., O’Connor, M. B., Sarac, T., Morrell, T. R., & Weishaar, D. (2002, November). Psychometrics of the CROPS & PROPS in multiple cultures/translations. Poster session presented at the annual meeting of the International Society for Traumatic Stress Studies, Baltimore.

Greenwald, R., Rubin, A., Russell, A. M., & O’Connor, M. B. (2002, November). Brief assessment of children’s and adolescents’ trauma/loss exposure. Poster session presented at the annual meeting of the International Society for Traumatic Stress Studies, Baltimore.

Greenwald, R., & Schmitt, T. A. (2010). Progressive Counting: Multi-site group and individual treatment open trials. Psychological Trauma: Theory, Research, Practice, and Policy, 2, 239-242.

Greenwald, R., Siradas, L., Schmitt, T. A., Reslan, S., Sande, B., & Fierle, J. (2012). Implementing trauma-informed treatment for youth in a residential facility: First-year outcomes. Residential Treatment for Children & Youth, 29, 1-13.

Greenwald, R., Stamm, B. H., Larsen, D., & Griffel, K. (2003, October). The impact of child trauma therapy training on participants. Poster session presented at the annual meeting of the International Society for Traumatic Stress Studies, Chicago.

Jaberghaderi, N., Greenwald, R., Rubin, A., Zand, S. O., & Dolatabadi, S. (2004). A comparison of CBT and EMDR for sexually abused Iranian girls. Clinical Psychology and Psychotherapy, 11, 358-368.

Jarecki, K., & Greenwald, R. (2015). Progressive counting with therapy clients with PTSD: Three cases. Counselling and Psychotherapy Research, 1-8. DOI: 10.1002/capr.12055 (No journal number yet; only published online so far.)

Keesler, J. M., McCoy, P., & Wiltz, J. (2023). Trauma‐specific treatment among individuals with intellectual/developmental disabilities: A case series with progressive counting. British Journal of Learning Disabilities, 51, 296–306.

Lasser, K. A., & Greenwald, R. (2015). Progressive counting facilitates memory reconsolidation. In Ecker, B. & Dahlitz, M., (Eds.) special issue on memory reconsolidation. The Neuropsychotherapist, 10, 30-37.

Lee, C., Gavriel, H., Drummond, P., Richards, J., & Greenwald, R. (2002). Treatment of PTSD: Stress Inoculation Training with Prolonged Exposure compared to EMDR. Journal of Clinical Psychology, 58, 1071-1089.

Manfield, P. E., Engel, L., Greenwald, R., & Bullard, D. G. (2021). Flash Technique in a scalable low-intensity group intervention for COVID-19-related stress in healthcare providers. Journal of EMDR Practice & Research, 15, 127-139.

Manfield, P., Lovett, J., Engel, L., & Manfield, D. (2017). Use of the Flash technique in EMDR therapy: Four case examples. Journal of EMDR Practice and Research, 11, 195-205.

Manfield, P. E., Taylor, G., Dornbush, E., Engel, L., & Greenwald, R. (2024). Preliminary evidence for the acceptability, safety, and efficacy of the flash technique. Frontiers in Psychiatry, 14, 1273704.

Puffer, M. K., Greenwald, R., & Elrod, D. E. (1998). A single-session study of EMDR with children and adolescents distressed by a traumatic memory. Traumatology, 3 (2).

Shebini , N, (2019). Flash technique for safe desensitization of memories and fusion of parts in DID: Modifications and resourcing strategies. Frontiers of the Psychotherapy of Trauma and Dissociation, 3, 151-164.

Soberman, G. S., Greenwald, R., & Rule. D. L. (2002). A controlled study of eye movement desensitization and reprocessing (EMDR) for boys with conduct problems. Journal of Aggression, Maltreatment, and Trauma, 6, 217-236.

Wong, S. (2021). A model for the flash technique based on working memory and neuroscience research. Journal of EMDR Practice and Research, 15, 174-184.

Wong, Sik-Lam. (2019). Flash technique group protocol for highly dissociative clients in a homeless shelter: A clinical report. Journal of EMDR Practice and Research, 13, 20-31.

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The institute provides therapy, training, consultation, information, and resources for those who work with trauma-exposed children, adolescents, and adults. If you would like more information about our services, or you just have a general question, please contact our team.