Trauma-related insight improves attitudes and behaviors toward challenging clients

This is the abstract only — Please feel free to request a copy.

Citation: Greenwald, R., Maguin, E., Smyth, N. J., Greenwald, H., Johnston, K. G., & Weiss, R. L. (2008). Trauma-related insight improves attitudes and behaviors toward challenging clients. Traumatology, 14(2), 1-11.


Effective dissemination of treatment methods requires not only training in the high-profile interventions, but also in the case conceptualization and treatment planning skills that facilitate use of the interventions. In a series of six studies, we tested one training module with 303 para-professionals and mental health professionals in a variety of training settings and five countries. Participants completed self-report ratings in response to a scenario of a challenging acting-out client, both before and after completing a trauma-informed case formulation exercise. The training intervention led participants to report decreased distress while considering challenging work-related scenarios, increased empathy and caring towards challenging clients, and increased comfort and confidence in their helping roles with those clients. In the final two studies, a trauma-informed treatment planning module was added, which yielded additional benefit. At follow-up participants reported that the effects persisted and led to improved behaviors towards the clients. Such empirical validation of training methodologies can lead to more reliably effective dissemination.

Where to Next?

The institute provides therapy, training, consultation, information, and resources for those who work with trauma-exposed children, adolescents, and adults. Where would you like to go next?