

Becoming a Supervisor or Trainer with Trauma Institute & Child Trauma Institute

Trauma Institute/Child Trauma Institute (TICTI) Supervisors assist in supervising TICTI workshop small-group practice sessions, and provide follow-up supervision for workshop participants.

Requirements for Supervisor Candidates

If you are an excellent clinician with a trauma treatment orientation, you may qualify to become a TICTI Supervisor. Those who wish to be considered as a TICTI Supervisor, for one or more of the TICTI training programs, must complete the following, in any order:

  • Attend the training program of interest, e.g., Progressive Counting (PC); EMDR.
  • Be Certified in PC or EMDR (depending on your area of interest) and have — or be working towards — Consultant status.
  • Shadow one or more supervisors/consultants, and then they shadow you.

Certain training programs have additional requirements. Completion of these steps does not guarantee acceptance. Individuals may request feedback on their status at any point.

Supervisor Training

Those who are accepted then enter the TICTI Supervisor’s training program. This involves studying the course(s) more intensively, shadowing a supervisor, and providing supervision under observation. Following observation, there is feedback, more work under observation, etc. When the individual’s supervision and basic teaching have been approved, s/he is then a TICTI Supervisor.

TICTI Supervisors

  • TICTI Supervisors are independent professionals who assist in TICTI trainings on a contractual basis.
  • Supervisors are listed on the TICTI web site, with contact information.
  • Supervisors may also receive referrals from TICTI for supervision or consultation of therapists in their area.

TICTI Trainers

TICTI Trainers are experienced Supervisors who attend the 6-day Trainer’s Retreat (this program is for anyone eligible to attend; a planned future with TICTI is not a requirement). Additional training and supervision is also required. This typically involves the trainer creating his/her own speaker notes, reviewing these with Dr. Greenwald or his designee, and then providing videotapes of “practice” (typically with small groups) trainings and receiving feedback until such videos are no longer required. Trainers are also approved Consultants in either EMDR or PC (depending on area of interest). Trainers are independent professionals who may provide TICTI trainings on a contractual basis, or who may offer the training programs independently through an affiliate relationship.

For more information, please contact Ricky Greenwald, Psy.D.

TICTI reserves the right to modify the above terms at its sole discretion.

Do You Still Have Questions?

The institute provides therapy, training, consultation, information, and resources for those who work with trauma-exposed children, adolescents, and adults. If you would like more information about our services, please contact our team.