Progressive Counting Therapy

Progressive Counting

Progressive Counting

Progressive counting (PC) is a recently developed trauma treatment, based on the counting method, that is already supported by several published studies. As per the research and clinical experience to date, PC appears to be about as effective, efficient, and well tolerated as EMDR, and relatively easy for therapists to learn. Briefly, PC involves having the client visualize a series of progressively longer “movies” of the trauma memory while the therapist counts out loud (first to a count of 10, then 20, then 30, etc.).

Dr. Greenwald is PC’s developer, and TICTI is the primary source of PC training internationally.

PC Certification

We offer a Certification in Progressive Counting.

This is an advanced clinical credential for those therapists who have gone the extra mile to get good at trauma-informed treatment and PC. Completing your training in PC is the first step.

PC Publications

PC Research Grants: Call for Proposals

In the interest of promoting research on Progressive Counting (PC), we are offering in-kind grants of training and consultation for PC researchers. The scope of our interest is broad, potentially including case studies, open trials, and comparison studies; children, teens, and adults; USA and international. Grantees commit to pursue the project to completion and publication. Proposals should include:

  • Brief cover letter including the applicant’s name, degree, affiliation, proposed project title, and any special resources, interests, qualifications, or areas of expertise relevant to the project.
  • 2-page summary of the proposed project, including Statement of the Problem, Purpose of the Project, and Research Design.
  • Letters of support from any co-investigators, collaborators, collaborating facilities, dissertation committee chairs, etc.
  • Projected time line, budget, and any other sources of support for the proposed project.
  • CV of applicant and any co-investigators.

Preliminary inquiries are encouraged, as are early applications. Proposals should be submitted via e-mail by May 1, 2023. Notification of decisions will be made by June 1, 2023.

Contact Us

for more information, a free phone consultation, or to schedule a therapy retreat.

Where to Next?

The institute provides therapy, training, consultation, information, and resources for those who work with trauma-exposed children, adolescents, and adults. Where would you like to go next?