Special Programs Overview

Special Programs Overview

Special Programs

We are pleased to offer the following special programs, which are generally at no cost to the client:

Victim Compensation

Every state has a program to provide funds to assist crime victims in recovering from the impact of the crime. This can include funding for therapy. Each state has its own system for determining which crimes/victims are eligible for compensation, and how the compensation is provided. In general, a police report, Child Protective Services report, hospital records, or similar documentation is required. We work with the Victim Compensation agencies in most states, to assist crime victims in obtaining funding for their treatment (and sometimes for travel costs as well). Our staff can assist you in arranging for your treatment, and in working with your state’s agency to determine your eligibility for compensation.

Victims of Clergy Abuse

We work with the Massachusetts Diocese to provide no-cost therapy to Massachusetts victims of clergy abuse.  For more information, please call us at 413-282-7797.

Free Treatment in Western Massachusetts

We offer no-cost intensive trauma therapy to victims of crime in Franklin, Hampshire, and Hampden counties in Western MA, thanks to a VOCA grant. Victims of many types of crime are eligible, including bullying, robbery, assault, rape, intimate partner violence, child abuse, kidnapping, and vehicular homicide.

For more information or to schedule a private intensive therapy retreat,

e-mail us or call us at (413) 282-7797.

Do You Still Have Questions?

TICTI offers life changing trauma therapy for children, adolescents, and adults.  To learn more about our therapy process and/or see if it’s a good fit for you or your client, please reach out to us.  We are happy to explain our therapy methods in more detail and will gladly answer any questions you may have.