Victim Comp-Funded Therapy

Victim Compensation Funding

We’re pleased to offer a specialized therapy service for victims of crime. Our intensive trauma therapy helps most crime victims to recover from their trauma and loss in a matter of days to weeks, so they can move on with their lives. Those with very extensive trauma histories can still make meaningful progress within a few days of intensive treatment.

Every state has a program to provide funds to assist crime victims in recovering from the impact of the crime. This can include funding for therapy. Each state has its own system for determining which crimes/victims are eligible for compensation, and how the compensation is provided. In general, a police report, Child Protective Services report, hospital records, or similar documentation is required. We work with the Victims Compensation agencies in most states, to assist crime victims in obtaining funding for their treatment (and sometimes for travel costs as well). Our staff can assist you in arranging for your treatment, and in working with your state’s agency to determine your eligibility for compensation.

To express your interest in receiving intensive therapy funded by Victims Compensation, please e-mail us or call us (413) 282-7797. If ultimately you do not qualify for this program, you may want to learn more about our private pay therapy program.

What To Expect

1. The screening and intake process can take some time. We ask you some questions by phone, and also ask you to complete a questionnaire online. This enables us to determine whether or not you’re eligible and likely to benefit from the treatment program, and about how many days of treatment you will need.

2. The treatment involves full consecutive days, e.g., Monday through Friday, 9-4 each day (maybe fewer or more days; this is just an example). This can be intense and difficult at times. And life-changing, in a good way.

3. Follow-up evaluation is done at 2 weeks post-treatment, and again at 3 months post-treatment. We want to know how you’re doing! Also, documenting the outcomes of our innovative intensive treatment approach helps us to develop the standard of care, so that the service becomes more widely available.

Contact Us

for more information, a free phone consultation, or to schedule a therapy retreat.

Clients talk about their experiences with intensive trauma-focused therapy

Do You Still Have Questions?

TICTI offers life changing trauma therapy for children, adolescents, and adults.  To learn more about our therapy process and/or see if it’s a good fit for you or your client, please reach out to us.  We are happy to explain our therapy methods in more detail and will gladly answer any questions you may have.