How To Cosby More Rapists

How To Cosby More Rapists

Here’s the problem: An estimated one in six women has been the victim of either an attempted or completed rape. Fewer than an estimated 1/3 of rapes are ever reported.

Is Stabilization Necessary?

The standard of care in trauma therapy includes a stabilization phase prior to engaging in the trauma resolution work. This preliminary phase gives clients an opportunity to improve their affect

If I Were a Rich Man

I like gambling; used to play in a regular poker game. But I prefer fair odds, so I’m not a fan of playing against the house. I did it only

Should I Learn EMDR or PC?

Therapists often ask me which trauma treatment they should learn: eye movement desensitization & reprocessing (EMDR) or progressive counting (PC). First of all: Yes – you should learn EMDR or

Does Self-Help Work?

I don’t really know. Self-help books have kind of a bad reputation, right? They’re like diets: you get the suckers to pay for each new one that comes along, and

In The Trauma Therapy Movement

Maybe this story starts when, at age 11, I tell my uncle that when I grow up, I want to make the world better. He both smiles and scoffs, knowing

How to Get the Most Out of Your Trauma Therapy

So you’ve found a good trauma therapist, now you can just relax and get treated, right? Well, not exactly… getting psychotherapy is not like getting a massage. Your therapist will

How to Find a Good Trauma Therapist

So you want to go for it, but you’re not sure how to go about it? Here’s the step by step. Get Referrals One good source of referrals can be

Preventing Traumatic Memory Consolidation

Is it possible to inoculate, or de-traumatize, someone who has just experienced a probably-traumatic event? This would entail somehow interfering with the traumatization process, if slightly after the initial fact