How Animals Can Support Trauma Healing

How Animals Can Support Trauma Healing

No, you’re probably not going to cure your PTSD by hanging out with a horse or a dog. Get your trauma healing done with an efficient, proven-effective method like EMDR,

How Does Flash Work?

The recently developed Flash technique enables a therapy client to rapidly and (nearly) painlessly reduce the distress level of an upsetting memory. Pending further research, Flash appears to represent an

The Problem With “Innocent Until Proven Guilty”

Some women are naming names. And their outed sexual harassers/assaulters are losing important business relationships. Just in the last couple of weeks, the casualty list includes chef John Besh, filmmaker

What Happened In Vegas

This morning I stopped in the gym to work out for a few minutes on my way to work: a day of teaching trauma therapy. On one of those stepping

Therapists Should Take Public Stands

When I started using Facebook several years ago, it was expressly for professional purposes such as networking and disseminating information relevant to trauma therapy. I avoided posting on political issues,

PC 10th Anniversary

Like most people, I never set out to develop a new trauma treatment. It happened more or less by accident. I had long regarded eye movement desensitization and reprocessing (EMDR;

Therapists Lend a Hand

One of the striking features of eye movement desensitization and reprocessing (EMDR), as well as progressive counting (PC), is that the therapy action seems to occur entirely inside the client’s

EMDR vs. CBT for Child Trauma Treatment

Is there a best child trauma therapy yet? Trauma-focused cognitive-behavioral therapy (TF-CBT) appears to be the clear leader in that it has a ton of research support (Cohen, Mannarino, &