Certification In Intensive Trauma-Focused Therapy – Why, And Why Now?

Why Doesn’t Every Therapist Offer EMDR?

When I learned EMDR (eye movement desensitization & reprocessing) in 1992, I recognized it as a game-changer. I was already an effective trauma therapist, but EMDR enabled me to do

Why We Offer Online Intensives

I’m not only old, I’m also old-school in some ways. So when we were first considering offering intensive trauma-focused psychotherapy online, I was opposed. I did not want to compromise

9/11: A Personal Reflection 20 Years Later

Everyone remembers where they were. I was trying to get into the building where I worked, at Mt. Sinai Medical Center in NYC, but it was blocked off. I asked

The Structure of an Apology

Did you ever notice how unsatisfying some apologies are? Like, “I’m sorry if you were offended,” or, “Sorry, I was just joking, I didn’t mean anything.” Because those are not

Our Black Lives Matter Statement

A couple of months ago, during the peak of the Black Lives Matters protests, we had a staff meeting. Our staff wanted to make a statement in support of BLM,

Pandemic Special

Welcome to the disrupted, surreal world of pandemic. The mental health community and its stakeholders have been stepping up to enable continuity of services in the wake of social distancing

Do I Need Therapy?

This is a question I often hear, not only from prospective clients, but also from friends and acquaintances. So first of all, I’m not one of those people who sees