Assessment Instruments


Child Report of Post-traumatic Symptoms (CROPS) – child symptom self-report.

Parent Report of Post-traumatic Symptoms (PROPS) – parent report on child’s symptoms.

Lifetime Incidence of Traumatic Events (LITE) – parent and child reports of child’s trauma/loss history.

Problem Rating Scale (PRS) – self-report of (or parent report of child’s) primary presenting problems.

CROPS/PROPS Language Options: English, Bosnian, Dutch, Finnish, [Canadian] French, German, Hindi (CROPS only), Italian, Kinyarwandan, Korean, Marathi (CROPS only), Persian, Spanish, Ugandan (PROPS only)

LITE S/P Language Options: English, Finnish, [Canadian] French, German, Korean, Persian, Slovene, Swedish

All orders include: pdf copies, administration guide, supporting materials, and unlimited permission to copy for personal use (not for re-sale or publication). For large-group use (e.g., project, agency or institution-wide), see below for licensing information and cost based on the size of your group.

Related Publications

Greenwald, R. (2004, September). Child trauma measures for research and practice. Poster session presented at the annual meeting of the EMDR International Association, Montreal.

Greenwald, R. & Rubin, A. (1999). Brief assessment of children’s post-traumatic symptoms: Development and preliminary validation of parent and child scales. Research on Social Work Practice, 9,61-75.

Greenwald, R., Rubin, A., Jurkovic, G. J., Wiedemann, J., Russell, A. M., O’Connor, M. B., Sarac, T., Morrell, T. R., & Weishaar, D. (2002, November). Psychometrics of the CROPS & PROPS in multiple cultures/translations. Poster session presented at the annual meeting of the International Society for Traumatic Stress Studies, Baltimore.

Greenwald, R., Rubin, A., Russell, A. M., & O’Connor, M. B. (2002, November). Brief assessment of children’s and adolescents’ trauma/loss exposure. Poster session presented at the annual meeting of the International Society for Traumatic Stress Studies, Baltimore.

Sale of Measures is restricted to those qualified to use them, such as Psychologists and those under the supervision of psychologists. By purchasing you are certifying that you are eligible to do so.


Combine & Save pdf files: CROPS + PROPS + LITE S/P + PRS


CROPS/PROPS pdf file


LITE-S/P pdf file

Problem Rating Scale (PRS) – PDF File

PRS pdf file


CROPS + PROPS + LITE S/P + PRS (for clinics/projects of 2 to 10 practitioners)

Combine & Save pdf files: CROPS + PROPS + LITE S/P + PRS (for clinics/projects of 2 to 10 practitioners)

CROPS + PROPS + LITE S/P + PRS (for clinics/projects of 11+ practitioners)

Combine & Save pdf files: CROPS + PROPS + LITE S/P + PRS (for clinics/projects of 11+ practitioners)

E-Format Licensing Fee

E-Format Licensing Fee.  Permission required. If you will be creating an electronic format of one or more of the measures, to administer via computer or online, this fee covers our review of the format to ensure consistency. This fee covers only one measure–purchase multiple for multiple measures.
