Flash Technique Training


The Flash Technique

A 3 hour training for trauma trained mental health professionals.

3 CEs, 3 EMDRIA CEs 

This is a hands-on clinical skills training featuring the Flash technique, a brief intervention to reduce memory-related distress. Flash is a recently developed therapy procedure that involves having the client resolve a traumatic memory without consciously engaging it. Preliminary research has found Flash to be non-distressing, safe, rapid, and effective. In this workshop, participants will learn about Flash research and theory, view a demonstration, and participate in supervised small-group practice.  Full documentation can be found here and the training’s agenda can be found here.

Participants will be able to:

  • Name and sequence the experiences the brain requires for memory reconsolidation (trauma healing).
  • Describe the state of the research on Flash.
  • Determine when Flash would be appropriate.
  • Provide Flash to therapy clients.
  • Problem-solve a Flash session when challenges arise.

Continuing education: Review the information regarding continuing education here. It is important to check with your state board to verify your requirements. Continuing education hours are not available for consultation time, reading requirements, or prerequisites.

Instructors: Ricky Greenwald, PsyD or Cynthia Arnold, LCMHC

Who may attend: This training is for mental health professionals who are already trained in either EMDR or PC.

Upcoming Trainings

Special Needs: Requests for special accommodations should be directed to our training coordinator at trainings@ticti.org.

All trainings listed on this website are open to the public. To schedule a closed training for your group or agency, contact the Trauma Institute & Child Trauma Institute. Individuals may also organize trainings and receive a discount on tuition.

Cancellations Policy: Our training cancellations policy can be found here.

Grievance Policy: Our training grievance policy can be found here.

Questions: If you have any questions about this training, please contact our trainings department at trainings@ticti.org.

Cutting-Edge Trauma Therapy Training

Our research-supported treatment approach and training programs offer solutions you can use. Featuring EMDR, PC, Slaying the Dragon, and Flash.